A new State is coming up

The foundation of state is shortly ahead.

On the first of April, 2009, Noseland will separate itself from Switzerland. While Europe complacently writes about the year 2009, and the Moslems narrow-mindedly increase in number in the amount of 1430, the Chinese stand on crammed grounds again, and the Mayas still await the end of the world for another three years.

There are only a few inside Noselanders that really know what is going on: The year 0 is actually ahead. The first of April, 2009, will finally take place. Noseisim will carry its liberation movement through, and come to the realization that exile has ended; Every Noseist will finally find its home.

At 5p.m., a new town in the name of Noseland, will be created between Schöftland and Schlossrued. Noseland will have a new course of development as an anarchic monarchy; It is for this reason that the separation from Switzerland is necessary (of which one naturally enters into good diplomatic relationships).

As a second step, the integration within the community of the UNO¬¬ will be pursued. And, of course, as a third step, all Noselanders will desire that Noseland become an example of light for a fully- governed state.

So that all countries may be demonstrated as good examples, freshly baked “King Bruno the First” pastries will be offered. And lastly, it will be delivered in a role of leadership.

The hour will begin with an arranged festivity. The flag of allegiance, as with the playing of the national hymn, should not be left out. Surely, will the king deliver a proper address, in which the minister-minute will have an uncountable opportunity to be represented as a member of office, as the address of two leaders of government will deliver their plans.
And last but not least, the state budget, in its amateur manner, will not allow itself to be associated with the state foundation.

If anyone would like to have a closer look at the Noseland constitution, the following link will provide one with further information: http://www.noseland.ch

Botschaft vom Staatsschreiber

Linden Crazy Brunsen meldete sich aus dem Exil

Die Flagge ist da

so ist sie entstanden:
Im Atelier / schräg

Im Atelier / schräg

Die offizielle Flagge

Die offizielle Flagge